Configuring iSupport Survey Functionality
iSupport Survey functionality enables you to define and send questionnaires. Surveys are shown on mySupport via the Notification Center ; the icon indicates when the portal user has pending surveys (manually or automatically distributed, or available to all mySupport portal users). Survey Example
You can send a survey request from the Incident, Change, and Customer Profile screens as well as the Desktop, and you can schedule requests to be sent automatically on a categorization basis, closed incident count basis, or a customer/day count basis.
You can use Desktop views to access submitted surveys, change the status if needed, and complete followup questions.
Enable Survey functionality and set basic options via Feature Basics. In that screen you can:
Create survey questions which can utilize checkboxes, radio buttons, and date/time and text fields. You can include data values from incident or change fields at the top or bottom of the survey.
Create rep followup questions.
Set up a survey definition consisting of distribution options and notification, expiration information, and survey questions. You can also set a survey to Inactive. (Note that the word "Survey:" precedes the title in the generated survey; you can use the Resource Editor to change/remove it if desired.)
If distributing surveys on an automatic basis based on incident or change categorization and/or interval count, enable the Survey agent. (To stop automatic distribution of all active surveys, disable the Survey agent. Note that surveys with an active definition will still be sent if the Survey agent is re-enabled.)
You can use survey rules to send Desktop and email notifications when specified conditions based on the survey definition, event (sent, initially submitted, or closed), survey question values, or status (sent, submitted, or closed) are met. For example, you can configure a rule to display a notification on the Desktop when a survey is submitted by a customer.
You can use or copy and modify iSupport's default notifications, or you can create new custom notifications.
You can use survey rules to change the status to Closed or set a value for a followup question.
You can configure roles/permissions for support reps and rep groups using Survey functionality via the Support Representatives screen.