Creating Survey Definitions

Surveys - Features and Configuration


To set up a survey definition consisting of the survey email, interval, expiration information, and survey questions, click the Create button on the Survey | Surveys tab in Feature Basics. On that tab, you can use the Show Pending Deletion link to display records that have been deleted by an iSupport user but are retained in the system because of references to other records (incidents, correspondence, etc.). The Database Maintenance agent ultimately removes these records. Information on the Details tab is shown in the section below; see the following for information on the rest of the tabs.

Use the Preview button at the bottom of the Survey screen to display your configured survey.

Completing the Details Tab for a Survey Definition

Use the Details tab in the Survey Configuration screen to specify availability and enter descriptive and expiration information for a survey. Survey Details Tab Example



Enter the title that describes the survey. This name will appear for selection when support representatives try to send a survey.

Show Title

Select Yes to include the title at the top of the survey. The text "Survey:" will precede the title; use the Resource Editor to change it.


Enter descriptive information regarding the survey. You can click the Description link to display a larger window.


Select Yes to enable the survey to be sent automatically by the Survey agent and manually via the Desktop and Incident, Change, and Customer Profile screens.

Anonymous Recipient

This field appears if the Available to mySupport field on the Distribution tab is set to No. Select Yes to change the recipients of this survey to "Anonymous" in views of survey responses on the Desktop and Report Viewer.

Rule Group

Select a rule group to associate with the survey definition. You can use the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons to access the Rule Group screen. When a survey request is saved (via any change to it including when it is sent or made available to mySupport, submitted via mySupport, or opened via a Desktop view, modified, and saved), all rules in the associated rule group are evaluated. If a rule’s conditions are met, its actions are performed.

Expiration Date

Enter the date on which responses will no longer be accepted. On this date, when someone attempts to respond via the URL, an expiration message will appear. The survey will not expire if no date is entered at this field.

Expiration Message

Enter the message to appear when a customer responds to the survey on or after the date in the Expiration Date field.