Creating Survey Questions

Use the Survey | Questions tab in the Feature Basics screen to set up questions with answer options for inclusion in a survey.  Question Screen Example

After entering survey questions, use the Add link on the Surveys | Survey tab to create a survey definition.



Enter the survey question. You can enter up to 255 characters. If applicable, you can use HTML tags for formatting.

Detailed Description

Enter text to appear below the survey question in the survey. For example, you could enter "Select one of the following:" at this field if you will use a single-selection drop-down response type.

You can enter up to 255 characters. If applicable, you can use HTML tags for formatting.

Response Required

Select Yes to require the survey question to be answered before the survey can be submitted by the customer. If this options is selected, a red asterisk will precede the question.

The following note is included at the top of the survey:

"Questions marked with an asterisk (*) require responses."


Select the type of response field for the question:

  • Radio button (allows only one selection)

  • Check box (allows multiple selections)

  • Text field

  • Text area

  • Multiple selection list box

  • Single selection drop-down

  • Date Time (MM/DD/YY; a time can be entered in the field)

  • Section header (formats the question text in bold and inserts a line of blank space; enables you to introduce the next set of questions).

Note: All survey response fields are designed to hold 2048 characters. If a user pastes a response exceeding that amount, the excess will be truncated. iSupport restricts users from typing more than 1024 characters into text fields.


This field displays when creating a radio button, checkbox, multiple selection list box, or single selection drop-down field; enter a list of answers for the customer to choose from when completing this field. For each entry, enter the option and then Add  icon.

Max Columns

Enter the maximum number of columns in which to display answer options.


To insert an image in a 100 x 100 pixel size to the left of the survey question, click the Add link. Use the Browse button to select the image, and then click the Load Image link. Example

If you click on the image on the survey, it will appear full-size in a separate window.