Configuring Incident Feature Basics

 Incidents - Features and Configuration Overview

   Configuring iSupport Incident Functionality


Core configuration options for Incident Management functionality include Incident screen defaults and settings for hierarchies, the Work History and Feedback fields, and routing. Basics tab field information is listed below; use the following links for information on the other tabs.

Work History




Incident Agents

Incident Management Basics screen example

Default Incident Assignee

  • Select Author to assign newly-created incidents to the person who created the incident.

  • Select Other to designate a support representative to be assigned newly-created incidents.  If Other was selected as the default incident owner, select the support representative to be assigned newly-created incidents.

You can click the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons  to access the Support Representative Profile screen.

Enable Impact Urgency Mapping

Select Yes to enable prioritization to encompass urgency (based on the amount of time a resolution is needed) and impact (usually the number of users affected). Use the Impact and Urgency configuration screen to define impact and urgency values that map to priority levels; You can click the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons  to access the Impact and urgency Mapping screen.

In the Incident, Problem, and Change screens, the defined values will be available in the Impact and Urgency fields for selection. The specified mapped priority will appear as default but all priority levels will available if permissions are configured for the support representative to change the priority.

    Default Mapping

Click this link to select the Impact, Urgency, and Priority to display by default in the Impact, Urgency, and Priority fields in the Incident screen.

Default Priority

This field appears if No is selected in the Enable Impact and Urgency Mapping field. Select the priority (Low, Medium, High, or Emergency) to assign to newly-created incidents.

Default Status

Select the Open status level to display by default in the Incident screen. You can click the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons  to access the Custom Status Labels screen.

Default Correspondence Template

Select the correspondence template that will apply by default when a support representative initiates a correspondence via the Incident entry screen. Correspondence templates that are active and enabled for the Incident module will be available for this feature. Use the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons to access the Correspondence Template screen.

Prompt for Customer Before Creating an Incident

Select Yes to display a customer selection dialog when an incident is initially created.

Prompt to View Open Incidents Upon Customer Selection

Select Yes to display the following prompt if open incidents exist for a customer selected in the Incident screen: "Open incidents were found for this customer. Would you like to view them now?"

Prompt to Select Asset for New Incident Same Customer Action

Select Yes to, when New | Incident is selected in the Incident screen, display the assets associated with the company and customer for selection. (The Show All option will be included as well.)

Use Short Description

Required on Save

Select Yes to include a Short Description field in the Incident screen.

 Select Yes in the Required on Save field to require an entry in the Short Description field before a record can be saved.

Allow Approvers to Edit During Approval Cycle

Select Yes to enable support representatives designated as approvers (or those with Approval Override) to have access to all functionality except Status in records in an approval cycle. You can configure the Pending Incident Updated notification (or any other notification)  to be sent when the Edited During Approvals event occurs; see Creating Rules for Incidents.

Prompt to Create Knowledge Base Entry On Incident Close

Select Yes to enable a prompt for creating a knowledge entry to display every time an incident is closed.