Setting Preferences
For Your iSupport Environment
Use the Preferences link on the Desktop menu to set display, password, tab, view, signature block, and other options for your Desktop. If you have applicable permissions in your Support Representative Profile record, you can create personal rules and personal correspondence templates.
Preferences Screen Details Tab Example
Select the display time zone to use for all date/time stamps. This is for display purposes only on your Desktop client.
Use the Work Item Date Picker Format field to select the default date format for work item date type fields: Month/Day/Year or Day/Month/Year. The None option will default to the format of the server.
Change your password to log into iSupport. The new password will be updated in your Support Representative record.
The Google Calendar Email Address and Access fields will appear if Google Calendar integration is enabled; use these fields to enable access to your calendar for scheduling meetings via iSupport entry screens. After clicking the Grant Access link, a Google dialog will appear for you to allow iSupport access to your calendar and a code will be provided. The Grant Access to Your Google Calendar dialog will appear in the Preferences screen with an Auth Code field for pasting the code. After clicking Continue, “Access Granted” will appear in the Google Calendar Access field.
The Microsoft Exchange User Name and Password fields will appear if Microsoft Office Outlook Calendar integration is enabled; use these fields to enable access to your calendar for scheduling meetings via iSupport entry screens.
Default Event Duration - Enter the number of minutes to use in the calculate the length of time between the default start time and default end time in the New Appointment dialog for event calendars.
If Microsoft Office Outlook Calendar and/or Google Calendar integration is enabled, use the Work Day Hours field to set the hours during which you are available to have meetings scheduled via iSupport. (Dates/times outside of work day hours will be designated as "Unavailable" in the calendars displayed via iSupport.) Note that work day hours can also be set in the Configuration module.
Work Item Toolbar - Select how to
display the icons and text in the toolbar on work item screens. Examples
Note: when you resize the window, you can use the down arrow to display the
rest of the options.
Use the Text Editor Toolbar field to control whether to display the text editor toolbar when you place your cursor in a toolbar-enabled field (Popup), retain display the toolbar over those fields (Always Show), or prevent display of the toolbar in those fields (Never Show). Note that if you select Never Show, you can still display the toolbar by clicking the field label link that displays a dialog for completing the field.
Select the Use the Tab Key Inserts Tabbed Spaces in Text Editor Fields checkbox in the Preferences screen to enable the Tab key to insert spaces (instead of moving between fields) in fields with a text editor toolbar (such as the Description and Resolution fields).
Yes in the Show Seconds on Countdown
field to control display of the Seconds portion of the countdown
clock that appears when you click the Countdown
icon when time-based rules are active in a work
Select Yes in the Default for Follow Option on Discussion Posts field to default the Follow option in the Create Discussion Post and Reply dialogs to Yes. The Follow option enables an email notification to be sent to you when someone replies to one of your posts on a discussion news feed.
In the Mobile Display Inside Firewall field, select HTML Interface to display iSupport’s mobile interface when the iSupport Desktop URL is accessed via a mobile device; select Full Desktop Site to display the full iSupport Desktop (instead of iSupport’s mobile interface) when the iSupport Desktop URL is accessed via a mobile device. (The Allow Mobile Access Inside Firewall setting must also be enabled in your Support Representative Profile record.)
In the Default Mobile View field, select what to display by default when accessing iSupport via the HTML interface on a mobile device: the Home screen, Views screen, Search screen, or Recent Items screen.
In the Rep Chat Notification Sound field, select the sound to play when a chat is received on the Desktop.
In the Customer Chat Notification Sound field, select the sound to play when a chat is received on the mySupport portal.
In the Approver Delegate field, select a support representative who can specify a verdict on work items pending approval for you. Note that you can also specify an approver delegate in your Support Representative Profile record.
The Desktop
Notification Center tab enables you to specify whether
to display the entry in the Notification Center
list, or both the list and a pop-up. Options will appear for alerts and
all work item types with rule functionality. Use the Number
of Items to Display field to specify the maximum number of entries
that should appear in the list at one time.
Desktop Quick Access Section Example
Use the Desktop Quick Access tab to add a toolbar with icons for accessing iSupport screens to the bottom of the Desktop. To add an icon to the quick access section, drag the applicable item from the Inactive Quick Access Items column to the Active Quick Access Items column on the right. You can hover over the Inactive Quick Access Items column heading to display a list of incident/change templates or hierarchy templates and add an icon for creating a work item from a template. To create a shortcut key, assign an alphanumeric key (0-9 a-z) in the blank field on the item. Use this key with the Alt key for Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari, with the Alt Shift keys for Mozilla Firefox, and with the Ctrl Alt keys on a Macintosh computer.
Use the Views tab to specify the number of view entries on a page.
Results Per Page - Specify the number of entries to display at a time. When the number of entries exceeds the specified number of view entries per page in the View component, a set of view paging links appear at the bottom of the entries. You can use the following keyboard shortcuts for paged views: Alt + to move forward one page, Alt - to move back one page, Alt > to jump forward to the last page, and Alt < to jump back to the first page.
View Spacing - Select the line spacing for view entries: Normal, Condensed, or Extra.
You can use the Subscription
icon in the View component to send an email with
an attached file of exported view data to configured recipients on a schedule;
the email will be sent via the View Subscription agent, which runs on
a five minute interval. All of your configured view subscriptions are
listed on the View
Subscriptions tab in the Preferences screen for sending
and deleting.
Use the Correspondence tab to enter text to append to all editable email that you send from iSupport. The text editor toolbar appears when you place your cursor in the field or click the Signature Block link to display a larger window.
You do not need to enter blank lines before the text; two blank lines will be inserted before the signature block when a blank correspondence is initiated. If an editable correspondence template is selected in the Incident or Customer Profile screen, one blank line is inserted automatically before the signature block. You can edit the signature block text in the Correspondence screen if needed.
Use the Correspondence Sent Sound field to select the sound to play when you send a correspondence document from iSupport.
If permissions for personal rules are enabled in the Rep Profile screen, use the Personal Rules tab to configure a rule that will evaluate specified conditions when any record of a certain module type (Incident, Problem, Change, or Customer Profile record) is saved and send a notification to the email address in your Support Representative Profile record if those conditions are met. You can also display an entry in the Notification list on the Desktop and/or send an SMS message. Note that creation of personal rules is logged in Configuration Audit History. See Creating Personal Rules for more information.
The Hours of Operation field only applies when Within Business Hours is included in a condition. To configure the conditions on which the notification is sent, use the first Match <All/Any> of the Following Conditions field to specify whether you want every configured condition in this rule to be met, or any configured condition in this rule to be met.
Use the Add Condition
and Remove Condition
icons to display and remove a set of condition dropdown fields (a list
of fields, a list of comparison methods, and a list of values applicable
to the selected field) to evaluate upon incident save. In the Select a
Target dropdown, select what to evaluate: a field or event, whether it
is within business hours, etc.
In the next dropdown, select the comparison method. Finally, select
the value to be used with the comparison method. Click the Add Condition
icon if you wish to include another condition. You
can use the Add Condition Group
icon to put a set of conditions to be evaluated together in a group.
In the Default From Address field, select one of the following for populating the From field in the Correspondence screen: Default to use the configured Email Notification Reply To email address, or Myself to use the email address in your support representative profile.
If permissions for personal correspondence templates are enabled in your Support Representative Profile record, use the Correspondence tab to create a correspondence template that will appear only to you in the list of correspondence templates available in iSupport. Note that personal correspondence templates will be available for editing and deletion in the Configuration module.
Use the Personal Contacts tab to specify the support representatives and/or customers to display when type ahead is used in the address fields in the Correspondence and Correspondence Template screens.
You can also add to this list via the Add to Personal Contacts customer Desktop view action and the Add to Contacts option in the Customer Profile screen.