Support Rep Profile Advanced Settings Example
iSupport Administrator |
Select On to enable:
iSupport Maintenance Administrator |
Select On to:
Discussion Feed |
Select On to enable the following for the support representative:
Allow Approver Override |
Select On to allow the support representative (who may or may not be designated as an approver in an approval cycle) to specify a verdict for incidents, changes, and purchases that are pending approval. |
Approver Delegate |
Select a support representative who can specify a verdict on work items pending approval for the support representative. In effect, this substitutes the delegate for the support representative in any approval cycles that activate while this field is populated. Note that a support representative can change their approver delegate via the Desktop Preferences screen. See Designating Approvers for more information. |
Allow Data Override |
Select On to enable the Override Data option for the support representative on any saved or closed incident, problem, change, or service contract. If an approval cycle is in effect and the incident status is changed to Closed via data override, the cycle will be cancelled and notifications will not be sent. Changes will be logged in the Audit History field. Notifications will be suppressed when the change occurs. |
Allow Mobile Access Inside Firewall |
Select On to enable the support representative to access iSupport inside the firewall via the iSupport application URL (http://<server>/Rep/ by default). If accessing iSupport inside the firewall, it must be done via a smart phone or tablet. You can enable a rich work item interface in addition to the HTML5 interface if using a tablet. See Accessing iSupport via a Mobile Device. |
Mobile Display Option |
If accessing iSupport inside the firewall via a smart phone or tablet, select HTML5 to display the HTML5 interface via a phone or tablet. Select HTML5 & Rich Work Items (Tablet Only) to enable work items to appear in a tablet-optimized interface. See Accessing iSupport via a Mobile Device. Note that layouts configured via the Layout screen in each module will not apply to smart phones; only layouts configured via the Mobile Settings and Layouts screen will apply to the HTML5 interface. |
Allow Mobile Access Outside Firewall |
Select On to enable the support representative to use the Mobile Desktop URL to access iSupport outside the firewall. Note that the Mobile Desktop must be installed via the iSupport setup.exe file and Mobile Desktop functionality must be enabled in the Enable Features screen. See Accessing iSupport via a Mobile Device. |
Available Rep Broadcast |
If the Rep Broadcast feature is enabled in the Core Settings | Global Settings screen, select On to enable the support representative to display a message to all support representatives or to support representatives in selected groups via the Send Broadcast option on the Desktop Create menu. Support representatives will need to individually close the message window. |
Display in Awareness |
The Awareness feature displays an icon if two or more support representatives have the same record (Incident, Problem, Change, Customer Profile, Company, Asset, and/or Purchase Request record) open. The support representatives can click the icon to display a popup with the names of the support representatives involved, and click on a name to initiate a chat. Select On in this field to enable the support representative to be included in the popup and count on the icon. Note that a support representative without Display in Awareness enabled will still see the popup if other support representatives are in the record. |
Display in Chat Menu |
Select Off to prevent a support representative from being included in the list of support representatives available for chat. |
Display Time Zone |
Select the time zone to use for date/time stamps that will display for the support representative. This is for display purposes on the support representative’s Desktop client only; incident business hour and rule group calculations are based on the assignee's support center time zone setting. If a support representative changes his/her display time zone in the Preferences dialog, it will be updated in their Support Representative record. |
Knowledge Approver |
This field appears if Role functionality is not enabled in the Global Settings screen and Knowledge Approval functionality is enabled in Feature Basics. Select On to allow the support representative to approve or decline knowledge entries. If No is selected, knowledge approval functionality will not display to the support representative. |
Opportunity Rule Group |
If you have the Service Edition and Opportunity Management functionality is enabled, select the opportunity rule group to be applied when the support representative is assigned to an opportunity. |
Vendor |
Select On to designate the support representative as a vendor, which enables association of Product records for use in purchase requests. This also enables the Vendor Products tab to appear in the Support Representative Profile screen for associating the support representative with Product records. |
Work Day Hours |
If Microsoft Office Outlook Calendar and/or Google Calendar integration is enabled, select the time frame during which you are available to have meetings scheduled via iSupport. (Dates/times outside of work day hours will be designated as "Unavailable" in the calendars displayed via iSupport.) Note that work day hours can also be set in the Desktop Preferences dialog. |