mySupport Incident, Change, and Purchase Request Submission


You can create links for customers to submit an incident, change, or purchase request. The fields and tabs included on the Submit screen are configurable, as well as the default mySupport-submitted record assignee and the text to display after submission. Authentication (logging in) is required in order to submit and view incidents, changes, and purchase requests.

Custom fields can be individually enabled or disabled for display on a mySupport portal. If a call script is enabled for a category set, it will not display on a mySupport portal. When a customer saves an incident or change, any rule group associated with the lowest level of category will be applied. If none is associated, the next (higher) category level is searched, and so on. Rule groups for customers, companies, or category sets are applied to mySupport-submitted incidents; the default rule group will only be applied if none of the provided category levels, the customer, or the company are associated with a rule group. However, if a rule group is associated with a template, the template rule group will override any rule groups assigned to the category, customer, or company.

If configured, an Update button will appear after an incident or change has been submitted; a customer can use it to enter text that will be included in the work history. Customers can select the history types to display via the Change History Settings button on the toolbar. The Approvals button will appear if the approval button is configured in the mySupport Options screen and a customer’s work item is pending approval or a customer is the current approver due to specify a verdict. Verdict options are Approve, Decline, or Comment Only. A customer can cancel approvals if the customer is assigned to the work item. The Approval Graph button displays approvers in the cycle.

Use the Submit settings in the Options screen to specify the layout of work item submit screens and defaults for work items submitted by customers from a mySupport portal and configure defaults for the status, priority, assignee, load balanced route method, and text to appear after submission.



Select the layout containing the fields and tabs that will appear when customers submit a work item of the applicable type via the mySupport portal or click the Configure icon to access the applicable layout screen.

Note that you can enable the Category Select dialog to display when the Incident or Change Submit screen initially appears on a mySupport portal; see the Configuring Field Labels section in Configuring Screen Layouts. You can enable the category picker for a template and require that the user select the lowest level category via the Lock Category setting in the Template and Hierarchy Template configuration screens; see Creating Auto-Fill and Auto-Close Incident Templates and Creating Incident Hierarchy Templates.

Default Status

If the Status field is included for the Submit screen, select the status to populate that field by default; if the Status field is not included, select the status to assign by default. Click the Configure icon to access the Custom Status Label screen.

Default Mapping

This field appears if impact and urgency mapping is enabled; click this link to select the Impact, Urgency, and Priority to display by default in the Impact, Urgency, and Priority fields in the Incident screen. Click the Configure icon to access the Impact and Urgency Mapping screen.

Default Priority

This field appears if impact and urgency mapping is not enabled; select the priority (Low, Medium, High, or Emergency) to assign to newly-created work items.

Default Customer Request Owner

 Select the support representative to assign to incidents submitted by customers from the mySupport portal. If a load balanced routing method is specified as well, incidents will be assigned to this support representative if none are available.

Routing Method

Select the method by which work items are assigned: none, load balanced, or round robin. Select None to only assign mySupport-submitted work items to the support representative specified in the Default Customer Request Owner field. If there is no support representative available, the work item will be assigned to the support representative specified in Default Customer Request Owner field. See Selecting an Assignee for more information on routing. If routing by group or location, select:

  • Group - If routing by group, select the support representative group for assignment.

  • Default Location - If routing by location or location by skill, select the location for assignment.

  • Allow Location Override - If routing by location or location by skill, select Yes to display a Route to This Location field in the Incident Submission screen on the mySupport portal. The location selected in this field by the customer will take precedence for routing assignment.

  • Select Locations to Display - If routing by location or location by skill, select the locations to be included in the Route to This Location dropdown list on the Incident Submission screen on the mySupport portal.

Text to Display Upon <work item type> Submission

Enter the message to display after a customer submits a work item from the mySupport portal.

Display Custom Number Upon <work item type> Submission

Select Yes to display the configured custom number label and number instead of iSupport’s ten-digit alphanumeric number in the dialog that appears when a customers submits a work item via a mySupport portal. For example, if the custom number label is "Case #", that label and the configured number would appear in this example.

Unauthenticated Customer Fields (Incident and Change only)/Easy Submit Fields (Incident Only)

Use the fields in the lower half of the screen to configure the dialog that displays when authentication is not required and a customer submits an incident or change or uses the Easy Submit interface.


Unauthenticated Customer Fields (Incident and Change only)/Easy Submit Fields (Incident Only)

Select Yes in the Show Company Field, Show Location Field, and Show Phone Field options to include those fields in the Customer Information Required dialog that displays when authentication is not required and a customer submits an incident or change or uses the Easy Submit interface which enables customers to use an older version of a device that cannot render HTML5 to submit incidents.

The Require field will appear if you enable the Show Company Field, Show Location Field, or Show Phone Field settings; select Yes to require the customer to make an entry in the enabled field. An explanation point will appear to the right of the field. The Company Entry Type field will also appear if the Show Company Field setting is enabled; select:

  • Manual Entry to display only an entry field with no dropdown providing a list of companies in iSupport, and no type ahead functionality that provides a list of companies matching characters entered.
  • Type Ahead Allowing Custom Entry to include a dropdown providing a list of companies in iSupport and display a list of the company names that include any entered characters, but allow the customer to enter the name of a company that does not match an existing company name. Example
  • Type Ahead Not Allowing Custom Entry to include a dropdown providing a list of companies in iSupport and type ahead functionality that provides a list of companies matching characters entered, but display the message "A company from the list must be selected." if a name is entered that does not match an existing company name.