To route a record, you can either click the Route
icon or the Assignee link. (Note that you can also route one or more records
via the Desktop.) If you use the Route icon or Assignee link with the
Tree Selector
icon, all of the
configured routing
methods and options will appear. If you use the Assignee
link and name-based routing is enabled, you can perform a standard name-based
route by entering the first few letters of a support representative’s
name. You can also click the Load
Balancer link to display the name of the support representative
calculated to have the lightest workload for each routing method.
A permission can enable you to route to unavailable support representatives; if you have this permission, support representatives who are unavailable for routing will be included with an asterisk.
There are several methods of routing; some or all of these methods of routing may be available to you depending upon configuration settings.
Load balanced routing involves weights based on priority; these weights are set up during configuration. If a support representative has worked with a record and the record is reassigned, he/she will be bypassed until all available support representatives with the skill or in the group or location (depending on the method selected) have worked with the record.
Depending on how routing is configured, you'll need to select a group, location, or support representative. If you selected skill based standard routing, the categories selected for the record will appear and you'll select the level for which associated support representative skills should be searched. Support representatives with skills/categories in their Support Representative records that exactly match that categorization level will display for selection. If you selected a method with load balanced routing, the name of the person calculated to have the lightest workload will display.
Once you click Finish, if routing notifications are enabled in configuration for reassignment, the Routing Comment dialog appears for you to enter a note to be included in the notification email to be sent to the new assignee. The note will be on the first line of the email.
An assignee is not required for a Problem record; select Problem | Remove Assignment to change a record to Unassigned.
To route a record to yourself (for example, if records are first routed
to a queue), click the Route
icon and select Route to Self. Your primary group will be used. If you
wish to change your group, you'll need to use the Change Group link in
the Assignee field.
You can route records with an Open or Suspended status from views on the Desktop. Select the records to route and then select the Route view action. The routing dialogs will appear, but the skill-based routing and location by skill based routing methods will not be available. If load balanced routing is used, the selected records will be distributed evenly to the available support representatives in the selected group, location, or all (if using name-based routing). The same comment will be applied to all routed records. Note that incidents that are closed or pending approval cannot be routed.
The Audit History entries on the History tab include routing details.
To view the number of times an incident has been routed, total time by
status and priority, and the amount of time the incident has been assigned
to each assignee, select View |
Routing/Time Statistics.
To view the assignee’s contact information, skills, and groups, click
the View Rep Details link after clicking the icon
next to the Assignee field. You can send an email from the View Rep Details
popup. If an assignee is a member of more than one group, you can select
the Change Group link in the Assignee field or select Incident |
Change Assignee’s Group to change the assignee’s
group membership for a record.