Creating Auto-Fill and Auto-Close Incident Templates

 iSupport Templates

Incident templates initially populate fields in Incident records; they are used for incidents that occur frequently. There are two types: auto-close and auto-fill. An auto-fill template will populate fields and the Incident screen will remain open; an auto-close template will, when selected, populate the fields, change the status to a Closed status, and close the Incident screen automatically. However, the auto-close feature will be disabled if:

If an inbound email rule uses an auto-close incident template and a required custom field does not have a default value, the required custom field will not have a value in the closed incident.

You can assign a rule group to a template. When the template is selected in the Incident screen, the rule group assigned to the template will replace any existing rule group that may be in effect (for the category or customer). When the template is selected from the mySupport portal, it takes effect based on the incident creation date and time.

Note that if a template has a field that is blank, the corresponding field in the incident will not be overwritten with a blank value.

You can assign an approval cycle to a template.

Setting Basic Options

To access the Incident Template screen, select Incident Templates on the Incident Management Configuration menu and then click the New link.

Incident Template Basics Tab Example


Enter a name for the incident template. This name will display for selection in the Incident screen.

Make Available to mySupport

Select On to allow the template to be used on a mySupport portal. You can create a link to the template using the mySupport Portals Configuration screen.

Enable Category Selection and Require Lowest Level

This field appears if Yes is selected in the Make Available to mySupport field. Select Yes to enable the category picker when the template is used on a mySupport portal. The user will be prompted to select the lowest level category if they have not already done so.

Description as Placeholder for mySupport

Select On to remove the configured text in the Issue Description field when the user clicks in the field in the Incident screen on mySupport.

Make Available to Support Representatives

Select Onto include the template in the list of templates for selection in the Incident screen. You can restrict access to members of support representative groups via the Group Access tab.

Approval Cycle

If approvals are enabled, select the approval cycle to associate with the template. The rule group in effect for the incident can control whether approvals are required and how approval cycles are applied. You can use the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons to access the Approval Cycle screen.


Click the Categorization link to select a category combination describing the issue. This category combination will populate the Categorization field in the Incident screen.

Display the Call Script for This Category Set

This field is enabled if a script is associated with the selected category combination. Select Yes to display the script when the template is selected in the Incident screen. To view the call script associated with the categorization, click the View Call Script link.

Short Description

This field appears if the Short Description field is enabled on the Incident Fields tab in the Incident Management Configuration screen. Enter the text to populate the Short Description field in the Incident screen.

Description as Placeholder

Select On to remove the configured text in the Description field when the user clicks in the field in the Incident screen.

Issue Description

Enter the text to populate the Issue Description field in the Incident screen. If On is selected in the Description as Placeholder field, the text will disappear when the user clicks in the field in the Incident screen.

Issue Resolution

Enter the text to populate the Issue Resolution field in the Incident screen.


You can use the text editor toolbar when you place your cursor in the Description and Resolution fields or click the field label link to display a larger window.

Setting Advanced Template Options

Incident Template Advanced Tab Example

Default Assignee

Select the support representative to populate the Assignee field in the Incident screen. If this field is left blank and the template is applied, the incident source is considered:

  • If the incident was manually created by a rep and has not been routed, the default assignee selected in the Incident Management | Basics screen will be used.

  • If the incident had been routed previously, the original author of the incident will be the new assignee.

  • If the incident was created from a lower level template in a hierarchy, the author of the parent incident is used.

  • If the incident was created via mySupport, the default customer request owner specified for the portal options set will be used.

  • If the incident was created via email processing, the email account’s default assignee will be used.

You can use the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons to access the Support Representative Profile screen.

Default Customer

This field will apply if a customer has not been added to an incident. Select the customer to populate the Customer field in the Incident screen.

Routing Method

Route Type


Select one of the following for assignment of incidents created by the template:

  • None to only assign to the support representative specified in the Default Assignee field.
  • Load Balanced to select an assignee based on current open incident statistics, including weights based on priority.  The available support representative with the lightest overall workload will be selected.
  • Round Robin to select an assignee based on the oldest date and time.

If Load Balanced or Round Robin is selected, the Route Type field will appear; select By Name to select among all available representatives, By Group to select among a specified group, By Location to select among those in a specified location, By Skill to use the categorization to select qualified support representatives, and By Location By Skill to select among those in a specified location with qualified skills. See Setting Up Routing and Skills for more information.

If there is no support representative available for a selected method, the incident will be assigned to the support representative in the Default Assignee field. If none, the incident will be assigned to the support representative in the Default Incident Assignee field on the Basics tab in the Incident Management Basics screen.

Default Status

If the template is not an auto-close template, select the open status level to populate the Status field in the Incident screen.  You can use the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons to access the Custom Status Labels screen.

Restrict Statuses

Select Yes to select the status labels that will be available for selection in incidents created by the template.

Statuses to Display

If Yes is selected in the Restrict Statuses field, select the status labels available for selection in incidents created by the template.

Default Mapping

This field appears if Impact Urgency Mapping is enabled on the Basics tab in the Incident Management Configuration screen. Click this link to select the Impact, Urgency, and Priority to assign to the Impact, Urgency, and Priority fields on incidents created from the template.  You can use the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons to access the Impact and Urgency Mapping screen.

Default Priority

This field appears if Impact Urgency Mapping is not enabled. Select the priority level to populate the Priority field on the Incident screen.

Include Followup Date Field

Select Yes to display a Followup Date field in the Incident screen; if a followup reminder email is configured, the email will be sent to the incident assignee when the date in the field is reached. Use the Default Number of Days for Followup field to enter the number of days (after the incident open date) to be used in the calculation of the date to display by default in the Followup Date field.

Default Number of Days for Followup

If including a followup date on the Incident screen, enter the number of days (after the incident open date) to be used in the calculation of the date to display by default in the Followup field. When the followup date is reached, a followup reminder email will be sent to the assignee of the incident. Once the email is sent, the date is recalculated based on the number of days entered in this field.

Append Short Description/Description/Resolution to Existing Text

Select Yes to add a blank line and the text from the Short Description, Description, and/or Resolution field to existing text when the template is applied to a saved incident.

Append Description From Parent


Select Yes to enable the description from a parent (originating) incident in a hierarchy to be appended to the description in a child incident created from it. This will also apply to child incidents created via rules or when the template is applied to an incident that is already part of a hierarchy.

Note that if this option is set to Yes for templates on all levels of a multi-tier hierarchy, the lowest level work items could have descriptions built up from many other higher level work items.

The text entered in the work item's description via email or direct entry will be retained when the template’s configured description and resolution are applied. If the Append Description/Resolution to Existing Text option is also enabled for a template, an incident description would include the text from the template, the text entered via the email, rep, or mySupport customer, and the description from the parent (originating) incident. 

This setting will be ignored if the template is applied to an incident that has no parent level incident (it's not part of a hierarchy).

Automatically Close the Incident

Select Yes to enable the auto-close option for the template. When the template is selected for an incident, the incident status will change to Closed and the incident window will close.

If you do not enable this option, the template will be labeled "Auto-Fill" in the template selection dialog in the Incident screen. If you enable this feature, "Auto-Close" will appear next to the template name.

Note: The auto-close feature will be disabled if:

  • The template is used on the mySupport portal.

  • Any custom fields are required. Instead, the support representative will be required to enter information in all required custom fields before the incident can be closed.

  • Any required fields on the incident have not been completed (customer name, categorization, and issue description).

Default Close Status

If automatically closing the incident, select the Closed status to populate the Status field in the incident.

When an Incident is Auto-Closed, Record Time Worked

If automatically closing the incident, select Yes to record a specified amount of time in the Time Worked field on the incident.

Time Value

If automatically closing the incident and recording the time worked, enter the amount of time to record.

Rule Group


If applicable, select the rule group to apply when the template is selected in the Incident screen. The rule group assigned to the template will replace any existing rule groups that may be in effect (for the category or customer). You can use the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons to access the Incident Rule Group screen.

Desktop Incident Layout

Select the layout containing the fields and tabs that will display when the template is selected for an incident via the Incident screen or a rule. You can use the New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons to access the Layouts configuration screen. Layouts can also be associated with a category, customer group, support rep group, or incident hierarchy template; the Order of Precedence field in the Incident Management | Layouts screen determines which layout to use when more than one reference is applicable (for example, if the logged in rep's primary group has a layout as does the selected category). For categories, the layout found with the lowest level will be used; if a layout is not found at the lowest level the next level up will be checked, and so on up to the top level. If no layout is associated at the top level, the default layout specified in the Layouts screen will be used.

mySupport Display Incident Layout

Select the mySupport incident display layout (configured via the mySupport Layouts screen) to apply when incidents created by the template are displayed on a mySupport portal. You can use the New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons to access the Layouts configuration screen.

mySupport Submit Incident Layout

Select the mySupport incident submit layout (configured via the mySupport Layouts screen) to apply when the template is used on a mySupport portal. You can use the New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons to access the Layouts configuration screen.

Configuring Custom Fields

The Custom Fields tab contains custom fields configured via the Custom Fields screen; select the values to populate custom fields by default in incidents created by the template.

Formatting the mySupport Incident Template Submit Screen

If Yes is selected in the Make Available to mySupport field on the Advanced tab, use the Format tab to add formatted text and images to appear at the top (header) and bottom (footer) of the mySupport Submit screen.

Attaching Files

Use the Attachments tab to attach any files to the template.

Restricting Access

Use the Group Access tab to restrict display of the template to members of support representative groups. Click the Add link to display the following dialog for selecting the groups. After you add one or more groups and save, the template will display only to members of the selected groups.

Associating Signing Agreements

Use a signing agreement to display details in the Sign dialog in the Incident and Change work item screens. Signing agreements can be associated with customer and support representative groups, categories, and incident and change templates. If an incident or change involves more than one associated signing agreement (group, category, or template), all will be included in the Sign dialog in a dropdown for selection.  (Note that “Blank” is also included for displaying no text above the signing line.)  Use the Signing Agreements tab to select the agreements to appear for selection in the dropdown when the incident or change involves the associated template. Use the plus sign icon to create an agreement via the Signing Agreements configuration screen.

Deleting Templates

You cannot delete a template that has been used to create incidents until the associated incidents have been closed and archived or deleted and removed via the Database Maintenance agent. You can create a view with the Template Name attribute in the Incidents data source to display the name of templates used to create incidents.