Configuring Email Rules and Rule Groups


Use the Email tab in the Options and Tools | Automate |  Rules screen to configure custom rules that will be applied to all incoming email (except those that contain an existing incident number in the subject or body of the email), and delete, forward, or create an incident or change with an applied template if the rule conditions are met.

Conditions are applied on the To, CC, From, Subject, and Body fields in incoming email. Each rule can contain multiple conditions; these conditions can be individual in nature (using an AND logic operator) or grouped together (using the OR logic operator).

In order for a rule to evaluate, it must be included in a rule group; rule groups are associated with email accounts. A default email rule group will be included in iSupport on installation or upgrade; upgrades to version will convert previously configured email rules and place them in the default email rule group. Use the Options and Tools | Automate | Rule Groups screen to create new rule groups.

Important: An email loop can occur when an automated email notification is sent (due to a rule being met) to an address that generates an automated response back. Automated responses can be from out-of-office messages sent from a valid customer or rep email, mailer-daemon messages regarding delivery failures, or a variety of other sources. It is important to have a rule within all email rule groups to prevent email that are auto-submitted or from any known automated sender addresses from creating an automated response. This is typically done by having messages that meet these conditions deleted or forwarded. This rule should be positioned at the top of the rule group.

The Auto-Submitted is True condition will strip many email that are created automatically, but not all email platforms set the auto-submitted property in their message headers as they should. For this reason, we suggest that you add conditions to block email from known automated addresses; you could also add conditions that target specific subject line text. Then use the Manage Email action to forward or delete messages that match either of the listed conditions. Add a similar All condition group to any rules that you have configured for work items that are updated by email. For example, if you have an incident rule that sends an email to the email sender who has updated an existing incident by sending a message that contained the incident's number, modify the conditions of that rule so that, in addition to the Event is Incident Updated by Email condition, both of the following conditions are included:

Email - Auto-Submitted Is Not True

Email - From Is Not <the address the bounce email came from>

This will cause the rule to only send the update verification if the message is not an automated message or message from your mailer-daemon address.

Configuring Rule Conditions

Use the first Match <All/Any> of the Following Conditions field to specify whether you want every configured condition in this rule to be met, or any configured condition in this rule to be met.

In the first dropdown, select the email field or event on which the comparison method and value should be applied.

For Auto-Submitted, iSupport searches the email header for “Auto-Submitted” with a value of “Auto-Replied”.  This header property is based on an RFC3834 regarding auto-submitted header field keywords for SMTP. Use this condition in any rule that sends notifications for the <work item> Updated via Email event for catching out of office replies and other auto-submitted emails such as delivery delay and failure messages.  The value should be in the header info of the auto-submitted messages if the system that generated the message is following SMTP standards.

The Email Does Not Contain iSupport Reference event condition refers to iSupport’s unique reference to the record, including an existing message ID, 10-character work item number, or customer guid; this reference is used in email updates.

In the next dropdown, select the comparison method.

Finally, enter the value to be used with the comparison method.

Note: A literal (but not case-sensitive) search will be performed; quotation marks, asterisks, and special characters (such as the plus sign or tilde sign used in Google searches) will be treated as plain text.

Use the Add Condition and Remove Condition icons to display and remove a set of condition fields (a portion of the email to evaluate, a comparison methods, and entry field) to evaluate. You can use the Add Condition Group icon to put a set of conditions to be evaluated together in a group.

Configuring Rule Actions

Use the Actions section to select the actions to perform when the conditions are met.

Associating Rules With Rule Groups

After creating a rule, you’ll need to include it in a rule group; use the Email | Rule Groups screen to create a rule group. You can add a rule to a rule group via the Rule Groups tab in the Rules screen or via the Email | Rule Group screen. In the Rules screen, click the Add link on the Rule Groups tab, select the applicable groups, and click OK. The rule group displays along with its position.

All rules in the rule group associated with an email account are evaluated when the Email Processing agent runs; the Position field determines the order in which actions are taken when conditions are met. If rules in a group contain duplicate actions, the position will determine the rule that will take precedence.

Creating Rule Groups

Use the Email | Rule Groups screen to create a rule group, add rules to rule groups, and associate rule groups with email accounts.

Name - Enter a name for the rule group.

This is the Default Email Rule Group - Select this checkbox to designate the rule group to apply if no rule group is associated with an email account.

Click the Add link on the Email Accounts tab to associate the rule group with one or more configured email accounts.