Use the Options and Tools | Integrate | Social Media Integration screen to configure settings that work in conjunction with Twitter® notifications as well as the LinkedIn® and Facebook® linked account functionality on the mySupport portal.
Facebook Applications - Customers can link to and authenticate to the mySupport portal via a Facebook account; use the Facebook Applications tab to configure an application for this functionality.
Twitter Applications - A Twitter account and application must be configured in iSupport in order to publish headlines and problems and send customers notifications regarding work item updates via Twitter; use the Twitter Applications tab to configure a Twitter application.
LinkedIn Applications - Customers can link to and authenticate to the mySupport portal via a LinkedIn account; use the LinkedIn Applications tab to configure an application for this functionality.
Note: iSupport utilizes or integrates with a number of third party applications and resources; changes in these external applications and resources may have a negative impact on functionality in iSupport. Depending on the nature and degree of the change, iSupport will, at its discretion, revise the current version of iSupport or make a corrective change in a future release of iSupport.