Creating Service Catalog Section Entries

 Service Catalog Configuration


Use the Catalog Section Configuration screen to create a section of request entries for display on the Desktop and mySupport portal. Enter the section name and then click the Group Access link if you wish to restrict display of the section to selected support representative and customer groups.

Click the New Root Service Request link to create the top level entry; this entry will appear in the catalog screen. Complete the fields that appear on the right and click the Finish Edit button. To create a lower level entry, select an entry and click the Add link.


Enter the text to appear for the entry. If it is a root service request entry, the name will display in the catalog section on the Desktop and mySupport portal. If it is a lower level request entry, the name will display in the Request screen. Name Example


Select Yes to display the entry without a link, custom fields, configuration item, or associated Change or Purchase template.

Placeholder Configuration Example



Select Yes to display the entry as a link that will display a web page when clicked. Then enter the URL of the web page to appear. Link Example

Template Type


If the entry is not a link or placeholder, select the type of template (Change or Purchase Request) that will create a record if the entry is selected. Then select the predefined Change or Purchase Request template. Any configured Change or Purchasing custom fields will display on the service request screen when the entry is selected; a check mark icon will appear next to the entry if the fields are optional. An exclamation point icon will appear if the custom fields are required in order to submit the request. Template Example


Select Yes to require the entry to be selected before the request can be submitted. Required entries are displayed in bold.

Required Entry Example

 Radio Button

This field appears if the entry is not a root service request entry. Entries appear with checkboxes by default; select Yes to display the entry as a radio button. If you designate an entry as a radio button option, all entries at the same level must be radio button entries. Radio button entries appear in italics.

Radio Button Example

Allow Attachment Upload

Select Yes to display a field to attach a file to a request. If No is set in the Allow Attachment Upload field, the field would only display if the configured template had file(s) attached.

Show Custom mySupport Submission Message

Select Yes to display and enter custom text that will appear after a request has been submitted via a mySupport portal.


Click the Add link to select an image to appear when the request is selected. If it is a root service entry, this image will appear next to the entry in the Catalog screen. Image Example

Header Title


These fields appear if the entry is a root service request entry. In the Header Title field, enter the text to appear as a link at the top of the service request screen.  In the Header field, enter the text to be included in the dialog. Header Example

Footer Title


These fields appear if the entry is a root service request entry. In the Footer Title field, enter the text to appear as a link at the bottom of the service request screen. In the Footer field, enter the text to be included in the dialog. Footer Example

Configuration Item

Select the configuration item to associate with the Change or Purchase Request record that is created when the request is submitted.

Associated Cost

Enter a dollar amount to appear next to the entry when the entry is clicked if the Can View Service Cost field in the customer’s Profile record is enabled. The Total Cost amount includes the cost of all selections (including line items from purchase templates).

Associated Cost Example

Group Access

Click this link to restrict display of the entry to members of support representative and customer groups. In the Group Access dialog that appears, click the Add link to display a dialog for selecting the groups. After you add one or more groups and save, the entry will display only to members of the selected groups. After adding the group, it will appear in the Group Access field as shown below. A lock icon will appear next to the entry in the tree on the left. After you add one or more groups and save, the entry and its lower level entries will display only to members of the selected groups. Group Access Example


Select the number for the position of the entry in the tree for the root service request. The first position is at the top of the tree.


Enter the text to appear as shown below when the entry is selected. Description Example

Adding Dependencies to Request Entries

After saving a section with a lower level entry, a Dependencies link will appear for you to create a dependency between two entries; use this field to select a lower level entry that must be selected in order to select the current entry in the Service Request screen. The record created from the selected lower level dependency entry must be closed in order for the record to be created from the upper level entry. A green down arrow icon will appear on the entry in the tree to the left in the Catalog Section Configuration screen. Dependency Example