Creating Purchase Request Templates


Use templates for purchase requests that occur frequently. You can set defaults for populating fields in the Purchase Request screen and mySupport portal (if applicable). To access the Purchase Request Template screen, select Purchase Request Templates on the Purchasing Configuration menu and then click the Create link. Purchase Request Template Screen Example


Enter a name for the purchase request template. This name will display for selection in the Purchase Request screen.

Default Status

Select the open status level to populate the Status field in the Purchase Request screen. You can click the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons  to access the Custom Status Labels screen.

Append Short Description/Comments to Existing Text

Select Yes to add a blank line and the text from the Short Description and/or Comments field to existing text when the template is applied to a saved purchase request.

Make Available to Support Representatives

Select Yes to include the template in the list of templates for selection in the Purchase Request screen.

Make Available to mySupport

Select Yes to allow the template to be used on the mySupport portal. You can create a link to the template using the mySupport Navigator screen.

Short Description

Enter the text to populate the Short Description field in the Purchase Request screen.

Approval Cycle

Select the predefined approval cycle to assign to purchase requests created via this template. This will override any other approval cycle (customer, category) associated with a purchase request. You can click the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons to access the Approval Cycle screen.

Rule Group

If applicable, select the rule group to apply when the template is selected in the Purchase Request screen. The rule group assigned to the template will replace any existing rule groups that may be in effect (for the customer or customer’s company). Use the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons to access the Purchasing Rules screen.

Cost Center

Select the cost center to populate the Cost Center field in the Purchase Request screen. You can click the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons to access the Cost Center screen.

Job Function

Select the job function to populate the Job Function field in the Purchase Request screen.


Select the support representative or customer to populate the Recipient field in the Purchase Request screen. You can click the View/Edit Edit icon icon to open the selected support representative profile or customer profile for editing, or you can use the Customer and Support Rep links to create a new customer or support representative profile.

Requested By

Select the support representative or customer to populate the Requested By field in the Purchase Request screen. You can click the View/Edit Edit icon icon to open the selected support representative profile or customer profile for editing, or you can use the Customer and Support Rep links to create a new customer or support representative profile.

Bill To


Select the support representative or customer to populate the Bill To field in the Purchase Request screen. You can click the View/Edit Edit icon icon to open the selected support representative profile or customer profile for editing, or you can use the Customer and Support Rep links to create a new customer or support representative profile.

Comments as Placeholder

Select On to remove the configured text in the Comments field when the user clicks in the field in the Purchase Request screen.


Enter the text to populate the Comments field in the Purchase Request screen. If On is selected in the Comments as Placeholder field, the text will disappear when the user clicks in the field in the Purchase Request screen.

Adding Line Items

Click the Add Line Item button to add line items to the purchase request template. After making an entry, use the Save Save Icon icon to save it or the Cancel Cancel Icon  icon to undo your entry. Use the Edit Edit Icon icon to modify an entry.




Asset Type

Select the predefined asset type associated with the product to be included on the purchase request line item. Count tracking can be enabled for asset types; this will cause Unit Count, Unit Label, Unit Cost, and Unit Price fields to be included on an Asset record if the type is selected. If a Product record with a count-enabled asset type is selected on a purchase request and the flag to create an asset (when all items are received) is enabled, the received count will be added to the Asset Wizard for creating the Asset record.


Select the vendor associated with the product to be included on the purchase request line item.


Select the product to populate the Product field on the purchase request line item.


Enter the number to populate the Quantity field on the purchase request line item.



Enter the cost to be multiplied by the entry in the Quantity field; the result will be included in the Amount field for the purchase request line item.

Taxes and Fees

The taxes and fees associated with the product and vendor appear. Taxes and Fees records are set up via the Taxes and Fees screen (accessed via the Desktop Create menu).

Expected (Days)

Enter the number of days (after the purchase request creation date) to be used in the calculation of the date to display by default in the Delivery field on the purchase request line item.

Delivery (Days)

Enter the number of days (after the purchase request creation date) to be used in the calculation of the date to display by default in the Delivery field on the purchase request line item.

Asset Create

Select this checkbox to create Asset records for the total quantity when all of the expected quantity for the line item is received. If a customer is the recipient on the order and the asset type uses the Owner field, those records will be populated with the customer. A link to the purchase order will be included in the History section of the Asset record and a link to the newly created Asset records will be included in the History section of the purchase order.

Adding Custom Fields

The Custom Fields tab contains custom fields configured via the Custom Fields screen; select the values to populate custom fields by default in incidents created by the template.

Formatting the mySupport Purchase Request Submit Screen

Use the Format tab to add formatted text and images to appear at the top (header) and bottom (footer) of the mySupport Purchase Request Submit screen.