Setting Up Cost Centers and Job Functions


Use the Options and Tools | Customize | Cost Centers and Job Functions screen to define cost centers and associated job functions for use in Purchasing reporting. You can associate cost centers with customers and companies via the Customer Profile and Company screens, as well as the Associate Cost Center Associating Cost Centers icon on customer views on the iSupport Desktop.

If you wish to associate job functions with a cost center, first define the job functions by clicking the Add link on the Job Functions tab in the Purchasing Configuration screen. After making an entry, use the Save Save Icon icon to save it or the Cancel Cancel Icon icon to undo your entry. Use the Edit Edit Icon icon to modify an entry.

Use the Cost Centers tab to create a cost center and associate job functions if applicable. Click the Add link to display the Cost Center screen for entering the name, selecting the predefined job functions, and setting up associated custom fields to appear when the cost center is selected in the Purchase Request/Order screen.