Using the Knowledge Entry Screen

Common Entry Screen Features        Using the iSupport Knowledge Entry Screen

iSupport Knowledge Features


iSupport’s Knowledge functionality enables you to author, approve, and access knowledge entries. Authoring knowledge involves creating a standard entry that includes a category set, issue description, resolution, cause, steps, error messages, URLs, and attachments. Knowledge entries can be created from the Incident or Problem (if enabled) screen when a record is closed and the user agrees to create a knowledge entry from it.

Note: The fields and layout in the Knowledge screen are set up in the Configuration module. Fields or functionality may not display if disabled or disallowed due to permissions set during configuration. The following sections contain information on all Knowledge fields.

Access the Knowledge Entry screen via the iSupport Desktop menu.


Click the Categorize icon or Category link to select a categorization that describes the issue. In the Incident, Problem, and Change (if enabled) screens, categories are used in knowledge entry searches. On the mySupport portal, knowledge entries (that are approved for external use) can be displayed by categorization.

Categories are enabled in sets of up to five levels; the first level is fairly general and the last level is fairly specific. To publish knowledge that can be accessed and captured from a range of applicable categories, knowledge entries don't have to be categorized to a lowest level category like work items.  Knowledge entries that match additional levels of a work item's category will appear in the list before entries that only match the upper level categories.

Selecting the Status

In the Status field, select the status to assign to the knowledge entry. Note that custom status labels may exist for these status levels.

If approvals are enabled, select one of the following in the Status field:

After a knowledge entry is approved, only those designated as an approver can update it. If approvals are disabled, you can select Approved External or Approved Internal, or In Progress in the Status field.

Displaying Rule Information

Rules can be configured to automatically perform actions when conditions are met upon save of a record or after a certain time interval. Actions can include changing knowledge entry field values and sending notifications. Rules are included in rule groups that are applied to knowledge entries through category combinations; a default rule group will apply if none are applicable. When a knowledge entry is saved, the matching rule group is first determined and then all rules in that matching rule group are evaluated. If a rule’s conditions are met, its actions are performed.

Click the name of the rule group in the Rule Group field to display the Time-Based Rule dialog with actions that will be and have been taken by any time-based rules in the current rule group. Note that entries will include the term  "fulfilled" if a rule is invalidated or reset due to a change in rule configuration. Time frames reflect the assignee’s support center time zone; the actual action dates and times will depend on execution of the Time-Based Rule agent. Click the Countdown icon to display a dialog containing a countdown clock with the time remaining until the next action. If a pending time-based rule has not been exceeded, a blue countdown clock will appear; if the time-based rule has been exceeded, a red countdown clock will appear and the numbers will increment to display the amount of time that has passed since the time at which the rule was last exceeded. Use the Show Seconds on Countdown field in the Preferences screen to control display of the Seconds portion of the countdown clock.

To display all actions that have been performed by rules, use the Rule option in the History field.

Attaching Files

To attach a file to the knowledge entry, click the Add button in the Attachments field and select the file.

Entering Custom Fields

Custom fields are used to enter information specific to your company. You may be required to enter information in these fields. If a record is recategorized, data saved in custom fields is retained and the custom fields associated with the newly-selected category set are added.

Using the mySupport URL Field

The URL in the mySupport URL field can be copied and given to customers for accessing the knowledge entry on the mySupport portal. Note that this field will be blank if the knowledge entry has a status of In Progress or Approved Internal.

Associating Incidents and Problems

Use the Add New Incident and Add New Problem links in the Associated Work Items field to create new Incident and Problem records that will be associated with the knowledge entry. The description, resolution, and categorization from the knowledge entry will be included in corresponding fields. Use the Add Existing link in the Associated Work Items field to associate existing incidents and problems with the knowledge entry.

Using Feedback Features

If discussion posts are enabled for the mySupport portal, the Discussion Posts field  will include posts entered by authenticated customers via the mySupport portal. You can click the Reply link to add a reply that will appear on the discussion feed.

Click the Like icon to register a "like" for the knowledge entry. The number of likes are included in a running total that appears in the Knowledge screen; this number can also be configured to appear on the mySupport portal.

If configured, a feedback prompt may appear at the top of the screen.

Viewing History

Use the History field to view notations on all knowledge entry actions. The Feed option displays a list of all actions performed on the record, and the Audit option includes entries on functions performed by the system and support representatives (for example, field changes). The Rule Group option displays all rule group events such as when a rule is met and actions taken by rules in the rule group. The Search option enables you to enter a search string for searching history entries. See Entering and Viewing History for more information.

Accessing Views

A View frame is included at the bottom of the screen for accessing views of iSupport data. It will be minimized by default; click the up arrow icon to expand and collapse the frame. Click the Clear icon to clear the current view and display the view selector. Your selected view and settings will be stored in a cookie, so your selection will be retained until you change it again.