Configuring Mobile Settings and Layouts

Accessing iSupport via a Mobile Device

Accessing iSupport via a WAP-Enabled Phone

 Configuring Mobile Layouts and Settings

iSupport Mobile Settings and Layouts


You can access iSupport via a tablet, smart phone, or WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) phone for in-the-field updates to iSupport data, inside or outside the firewall, with interfaces optimized for your device. You can check in for tracking via the Rep Map  dashboard component, create and view incidents, and other iSupport records.

If using a tablet, you have the option of using rich tablet-optimized screens for creating and updating work items.

Note that layouts configured via the Layout screen in each module will not apply to smart phones; only layouts configured via the Mobile Settings and Layouts screen will apply to the HTML5 interface.

You can use a QR code generated in the Asset or Configuration Item screen to add an item to an incident, problem, or change via the mobile interface, but note that the QR code reader option for selecting an asset or CI in the HTML5 mobile interface will be hidden if using an Android device.

See Accessing a mySupport Portal on a Mobile Device below for information on accessing mySupport via a mobile device.

Configuring Mobile Access for Support Representatives

To configure access to iSupport via a mobile device:

  1. If accessing iSupport outside the firewall, do the following; if accessing iSupport inside the firewall, go to step 2.
  1. Ensure that the Mobile Desktop is installed via the iSupport setup.exe file. The default installation is location is: [Program Files]\iSupport\MobileRepClient. The utility creates an IIS virtual directory pointing to [Program Files]\iSupport\MobileRepClient with the name specified by the administrator.

  2. Enter the Mobile Desktop URL in the Core Settings | Global Settings screen (http://<server>/Mobile/ by default).

  1. Enable mobile access and display options for individual support representatives via the Core Settings | Support Representatives | Profile screen. If accessing iSupport inside the firewall, it must be done via a smart phone or tablet. You can enable a rich work item interface in addition to the HTML5 interface if using a tablet.

A support representative can display iSupport’s full Desktop instead of iSupport’s mobile interface upon login via a mobile device by selecting Full Desktop Site in the Mobile Display field on the Profile Details tab in the Preferences screen. The Preferences screen is accessed via the dropdown on the profile menu at the top of the Desktop.

  1. If accessing iSupport via a smart phone or tablet, do the following:

a. Configure the layout for the HTML5 interface. See the next section.

b. To enable a view to display on the HTML5 interface, open the view in the View Designer and select Yes in the Enabled for Mobile field.

For customer access you can create a mySupport Options set for mobile devices and assign it to a customer, company, or customer group. iSupport’s Easy Submit functionality to enable customers to use an older version of a device that cannot render HTML5 to submit incidents; see Configuring Easy Submit Device Settings for more information.

Configuring the Layout for the Rep HTML5 Interface

Use the Options and Tools | Customize | Layouts | Mobile Layouts and Settings screen to configure the fields that will appear when support representatives access iSupport via a smart phone or tablet:

To design a feed or detail layout, drag an available field to the Layout Designer. You can drag a field vertically to reorder fields in the Layout Designer. Click the Details View icon to switch from a feed layout to a details layout.

Select Yes in the Display Avatars field if you wish to include the customer’s avatar when you display customer information (by clicking Search in the Home screen, the icon in the Incident Detail screen, and the Details icon in the Incident detail screen).

Select Yes in the Check In on Login field to automatically check in the user for tracking via the Rep Map  dashboard component on the Desktop. This feature displays the last known GPS location of any user logged into the mobile application; it  can only be used if the site is secure (https) and location services are enabled on the device and on the browser for this feature.

Accessing a mySupport Portal on a Mobile Device

The mySupport portal can be accessed via a mobile device; you can create a mySupport Options set for mobile devices and assign it to a customer, company, or customer group. You can also create different display and submit layouts for work item functionality on a set of mySupport options via the mySupport Layout links included for each module (incident, knowledge, problem, change, purchase, and service contract).

Use the Default Mobile mySupport Options field in the mySupport Portals configuration screen to select the options to appear when this mySupport portal URL is accessed by a smart phone (iOS, Android, or Blackberry) or tablet if a customer has not logged in or if none are assigned to the customer’s profile, customer’s primary company profile, or primary group profile.

Use iSupport’s Easy Submit functionality to enable customers to use an older version of a device that cannot render HTML5 to submit incidents.