Enable approval functionality via the Global Settings screen.
Configure approval cycles via the Options and Tools | Automate | Approval Cycles screen. You can designate approvers, assign default statuses, and create customized notifications for approval events.
Approval cycles are automatically initiated via rules in the rule group that is in effect for a work item. Configure the rules that will trigger either an initial approval cycle or a cycle associated with a category, customer, template, or company.
Configure additional approver options:
- Enable support representatives to override an approval. Use the Support Representative Profile screen to enable a support representative to specify a verdict if not designated as an approver for the cycle in effect.
- Use the Allow Approvers to Edit During Approval Cycle field in the Incident, Change, and Purchasing Feature Basics configuration screen to enable support representatives designated as approvers (or those with Approval Override) to have access to all functionality except Status in records in an approval cycle. Use the Recipient Notification Mappings field to select the recipients and notifications to be sent to others in the cycle that have previously approved the record.
- If using the customer’s approver for a cycle, designate approvers via the Customer Profile screen.
In the Support Representative Profile and Customer Profile screens, you can select approver delegates who can specify a verdict in addition to the approver(s) designated for an approval cycle. Support representatives can set an approver delegate for themselves via the Preferences screen on the Desktop, and customers can set an approver delegate for themselves via Account Settings on a mySupport portal. Customer rules can automatically perform actions if a customer approver delegate has changed.
If applicable, associate approval cycles with categories (for incidents and changes), customers, companies, and templates.
If customers will be approving, add the Approval button to the Incident and Change display screens on mySupport portals. See Configuring Work item Display Settings for a mySupport portal.