Setting Up Locations for Support Representatives


Locations are used for location-based routing and reporting. You can also use this screen to assign a display time zone for multiple support representatives at one time. Location functionality is an optional feature.  If you choose not to use the Location feature, the time zone settings of the server hosting iSupport will be used for time/date display. To access the Location entry screen, use the Locations tab in the Core Settings | Support Representatives screen.

Support Representative Location Screen Example


Location Name

Enter the name that will appear for selection in the location-based routing dialogs.

 Display Time Zone

Select the time zone to use for date/time stamps that will display for those in the Members field. This is for display purposes only on the Desktop client.


The Nonmembers field includes support representatives set up in the Support Representative screen.

  • To assign a support representative to the location, select the support representative in the Nonmembers field and click the Right Arrow Icon  icon.

  • To remove a support representative from the location, select the support representative in the Members field and click the Left Arrow Icon icon.

Note that only one location can be assigned to a support representative.

Apply the Selected Display Time Zone to Members of This Location Upon Save

Use this checkbox to assign the selected display time zone to those in Members field. This will update the display time zone in each member’s Support Representative record.