Setting Routing Availability Options

Use the Routing Availability tab in the Core Settings | Support Representative Profile screen to set routing options and schedule routing availability for a support representative. Note that routing availability can also be manually controlled via the following:


Available For Routing


  • On to designate the support representative as available for routing incidents, changes, and problems (if enabled).

  • Off to designate the support representative as unavailable for routing. (The support representative will not be included in the selection dialog.) Note: Selecting No will exclude (for routing purposes) the support representative from all of the groups in which the support representative is assigned. However, it will not prevent assignment if a support representative is the default owner of incidents and changes submitted via a mySupport portal, an incident or change template, or email-submitted incidents.

Available for Load Balanced Routing

Select Off to exclude the support representative from those considered for load balanced routing.

Available for Round Robin Routing

Select Off to exclude the support representative from those considered for round robin routing.

Include Routing Availability on Desktop Profile Menu

Select On to display the Availability (In/Out) option on the Profile menu that appears after clicking a support representative’s avatar/name on the Desktop.

Schedule Availability

Select On to display a calendar and set the times that the support representative can be assigned incidents (and problems and changes if enabled). Note that this will not prevent assignment if the support representative is the default assignee of incidents/problems/changes submitted via the mySupport portal, an incident or change template, and email-submitted incidents and changes.

Use the Rep Availability Agent to select the number of minutes in the interval for the agent to check and enforce the routing availability schedule for support representatives.