Configuring Purchasing Feature Basics

  Purchasing - Features and Configuration Overview

Configuring iSupport Purchasing Functionality


Purchasing functionality is available if you have the Service Desk Edition. Enable/disable Asset and Purchasing functionality via the Enable Features tab in the Feature Basics screen.

Core configuration options for Purchasing functionality include Purchase Request screen defaults and Work History field settings.

Purchasing Basics screen example

Require Comments

Select Yes to require completion of the Comments field on a purchase request on initial save. This setting applies to requests submitted via the Desktop and mySupport portals.

Enable Work Type on Work History Dialogs

Select Yes to include a Work Type field in the Work History dialog in the Purchase Request screen.

Default Work Type

If the Work Type field is enabled, select the work type to appear by default in that field. Use the Create New and View/Edit icons to access the Work Types entry screen.

Enable Work Start and Stop Dates on Work History Dialogs

Select Yes to include Work Start and Work Stop fields in the Work History  and Purchase Save dialogs in the Purchase Request screen. The Work Start field defaults to the date and time the support representative loaded the work item. The Work Stop field defaults to the current time, but there will be at least a one minute gap between the Start and Stop times. For example, if a new purchase request is opened at 1:00 PM, the support representative works with the customer for 30 minutes, and then clicks the Add Work history option or saves and displays the Save dialog, the Work Start would be set to 1:00 PM and the Work Stop would be set to 1:30 PM. This Time Worked field would show the 30 minutes of time worked reflected by the gap.

Support representatives can type directly in the Work Start and Work Stop fields or use the calendar  and clock icons to select the date and time; the difference will populate automatically. The refresh icon will set the date and time to the current date and time (but the Work Stop date and time will adjust to be at least one minute past the Work Start date and time).

Display Work History and Time Worked Prompt on Purchase Save


Select Yes to display the Save dialog every time a support representative saves a purchase request.

Require Time Worked in Work History for Purchase

Select Yes to require an entry in the Work History dialog Time Worked field in the Purchase Request screen.

Require Comment in Work History for Purchase

Select Yes to require an entry in the Work History Comment field in the Purchase Save dialog before the record can be saved in the Purchase Request screen.

Include Customer Work History Field

Select Yes to include a field on the Purchase Request screen that includes work history notes for display when customers view their purchase requests/orders on the mySupport portal. The field will include basic purchasing events, and can include:

  • A Customer Work History dialog

  • The contents of the Work History field, without review by the support representative

  • The contents of the Work History field, edited by a support representative.

Include Work History Notes in Customer Work History Dialog

This field appears if including the Customer Work History field. Select:

  • Do Not Include to prevent Work History field entries from inclusion in the Customer Work History field. Only information on basic purchasing events will be included.

  • Automatically Include to fill the Customer Work History field with the contents of the Work History field, without review by a support representative.

  • Include With Support Rep. Review to fill the Customer Work History field with the contents of the Work History field and enable the support representative to edit it before including it in the Customer Work History field.

Default Status

Select the Open status to assign to newly-created purchase requests. You can click the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons  to access the Custom Status Labels screen.

Default Closed Status When All Items Received

Select the Closed status to assign to purchase orders when the quantity received (before the slash in the Quantity field) is equal to the expected quantity (after the slash in the Quantity field). You can click the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons  to access the Custom Status Labels screen.

Allow Approvers to Edit During Approval Cycle


Select Yes to enable support representatives designated as approvers (or those with Approval Override) to have access to all functionality except Status in records in an approval cycle. You can configure the Pending Purchase Updated notification to be sent when the Edited During Approvals event occurs; see Creating Rules for Purchases.

Default Correspondence Template

Select the correspondence template that will apply by default when a support representative initiates a correspondence via the Purchase Request entry screen. Correspondence templates that are active and enabled for the Purchasing module will be available for this feature. Use the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons to access the Correspondence Template screen.