Overview of Purchasing Rule Functionality

Creating Rules for Purchases

Configuring Rule Groups


Purchasing rules automatically perform actions when specified conditions based on Purchase Request record fields or events are met. This functionality can be used to:

In order for a rule to be evaluated, it must be included in a rule group; rule groups are applied to purchases through customers, companies, and purchase templates. (A default rule group will apply if none are applicable.)

When a purchase request/order is saved, the matching rule group is first determined. Then, all rules in that matching rule group are evaluated. If a rule’s conditions are met, its actions are performed.

Rule Groups

A default purchasing rule group will be included in iSupport on installation or upgrade.

Any rule group associated with a purchase request template will take precedence for a purchase request. If a customer profile does not have an associated rule group, the rule group associated with the customer’s company will be used for the customer.  Note that rules in the associated rule group will not execute while a purchase request is pending approval.

Rule Types

If a rule contains conditions with the Customer Work History Added or Work History Added to Purchase events, the rule will be triggered immediately when the event occurs (even if the request hasn't been saved). Conditions for all of the rules in the rule group will be evaluated and actions will be performed if conditions are met. Any other changes in the purchase request will not be saved until you save the request.