Configuring Problem Feature Basics

 Problem Configuration Overview

  Configuring iSupport Problem Functionality


Core configuration options for Problem Management functionality include Problem screen defaults, Work History field settings, and routing settings.  Basics fields are described below; see Routing for information on Routing tab fields.

Problem Management Basics Tab Example

Default Assignee

Select Assignee


  • Unassigned to use Unassigned as the default in the Assignee field in newly-created problem records.

  • Author to assign newly-created problems to the person who created the problem.

  • Other to designate a support representative to populate the Assignee field by default in newly-created problem records.

Default Mapping

Click the Default Mapping link to select the associated predefined values to appear as default in the Impact, Urgency, and Priority fields in the Problem screen You can click the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons  to access the Impact and Urgency Mapping screen.

Default Status

Select the Open status to assign to newly-created problems. You can click the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons  to access the Custom Status Labels screen.

Default Correspondence Template

Select the correspondence template that will apply by default when a support representative initiates a correspondence via the Problem entry screen. Correspondence templates that are active and enabled for the Problem module will be available for this feature. Use the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons to access the Correspondence Template screen.

Enable Work Type on Work History Dialogs

Select Yes to include a Work Type field in the Work History dialog in the Problem screen.

Default Work Type

If the Work Type field is enabled, select the work type to appear by default in that field. Use the Create New and View/Edit icons to access the Work Types entry screen.

Enable Work Start and Stop Dates on Work History Dialogs

Select Yes to include Work Start and Work Stop fields in the Work History  and Problem Save dialogs in the Incident screen. The Work Start field defaults to the date and time the support representative loaded the work item. The Work Stop field defaults to the current time, but there will be at least a one minute gap between the Start and Stop times. For example, if a new Problem record is opened at 1:00 PM, the support representative works with the customer for 30 minutes, and then clicks the Add Work history option or saves and displays the Save dialog, the Work Start would be set to 1:00 PM and the Work Stop would be set to 1:30 PM. This Time Worked field would show the 30 minutes of time worked reflected by the gap.

Support representatives can type directly in the Work Start and Work Stop fields or use the calendar  and clock icons to select the date and time; the difference will populate automatically. The refresh icon will set the date and time to the current date and time (but the Work Stop date and time will adjust to be at least one minute past the Work Start date and time).

Prompt for Work History and Time Worked on Incident Save

Select Yes to display the Save dialog every time a support representative saves a problem.

Require Time Worked in Work History for Problem

Select Yes to require an entry in the Work History dialog Time Worked field in the Problem screen.

Require Comment in Work History for Problem

Select Yes to require an entry in the Work History Comment field in the Problem Save dialog before the record can be saved in the Problem screen.

Automatically Place Call Scripts in Work History

Select Yes to, when a call script is used, automatically include the entire call script in the Work History field. This will also make the call script editable when it appears. Call scripts are entered and associated with categories in the Category entry screen.  If you select No in this field, the call script will not be editable.

Close Associated Incidents on Problem Close

Incidents can be associated with Problem records in both the Incident and Problem screens. Select Yes to automatically close any associated incidents when a Closed status is selected for a Problem record. The text in the Resolution field will be used as default for the incident resolution, but a dialog will appear when the Problem record is closed for editing it.

Incident Status when Closed from Problem

If Yes is selected in the Close Associated Incidents on Problem Close field, select the Closed status to assign to the incident. You can click the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons  to access the Custom Status Labels screen.