Defining Dependencies on Other Templates in an Incident Hierarchy


In addition to the dependency that exists when a template is directly below (a lower level template to) another template in a hierarchy, you can define a separate dependency. In the following example, the Check Accounting Application Permissions template is defined to be dependent on closure of an incident created from the Check CRM Application Permissions template.

The defined dependency is shown in the Incident screen when you view the hierarchy.

To define this type of dependency, you would first select the template (Check Accounting Application Permissions in this example) and click the Edit link. In the Hierarchy Template screen, click the Depends on Closure of Incidents Created From link on the Advanced tab. In the Select Hierarchy Template Dependency dialog, select the template from which an incident must be closed before an incident will be created from current template. Continuing with the example, you would select the Check CRM Application Permissions template.

The defined dependency is shown in the Incident screen when you view the hierarchy.

Note: When you use the Edit link to change a template, the change will not be reflected in any other hierarchies that use the template. Incidents already created from the template are not affected; however, future incidents created from the template will reflect the change.