Configuring Tutorials


Use the Options and Tools | Customize | Tutorials screen to configure tutorials for providing information to support representatives and customers. A tutorial consists of a series of steps, each with an 800x600 image and tags that a user can click to display an additional screen of content.

Tutorials can appear on the Rep client and on mySupport portals.

You can associate a tutorial with entry screen layouts, configuration screens, Rep Desktop dashboards, and mySupport dashboards. The tutorial will appear the first time a support representative accesses the screen associated with the layout or page. After that point, for screens with a large icon ribbon, a Tutorial icon will appear on the View ribbon if one is associated with the layout or page.

On mySupport, you can associate a tutorial with a dashboard, a mySupport work item submit or display layout, and a navigator link or a button that accesses a feature. For dashboards, the tutorial will appear the first time the authenticated user accesses the dashboard; after that point the Tutorial icon will appear in the upper right corner. You can also directly link a tutorial to a button or navigator link; this will display the tutorial every time the button or link is clicked.

You can display images, videos, links, and formatted text in the screen that appears when a user clicks a tag.

Follow these steps to configure a tutorial, and then use the Associations tab in the Tutorials screen to link a tutorial to a mySupport dashboard or mySupport incident layout.