An action drop-down field will appear in the approval alert bar if you are the current approver in the approval cycle or if you have permission to override approvals. Select one of the following:
Approve to enable the next approver to specify a verdict or, if it is the final approval, complete the cycle. If it is a concurrent cycle, the approval cycle will stop if the number of Approve verdicts specified for the cycle is reached. All approvers must specify an approval for a serial cycle.
Decline if you do not wish to enable functionality on the record. An entry will be required in the Comments field. One or more Decline verdicts may be needed to stop the cycle. In a serial cycle, the cycle reaches final decline if one of the approvers sets a verdict of Decline. In a concurrent cycle, the approval cycle will stop if the number of Decline verdicts specified for the cycle is reached.
Comments Only to enter any comments without approving, declining, or cancelling the cycle. The comments will be included in notifications sent to recipients configured for the approval cycle.
If you have permissions, you can specify Cancel Approvals to cancel the cycle. A Cancel Approvals verdict requires an entry in the Comments field, and the comment will be included in the Approval Audit History entry. If the Cancellation Status configured for the approval cycle is a Closed status, the comment will be appended to the text in the Resolution field (for incidents), Results field (for changes), or Comments field (for purchase requests). An approval cycle can be cancelled by the customer or any support representative with Edit permission (whether or not they are an approver or have approval override).
When you specify a verdict, configured notifications will be sent and the status changes to the status designated by the approval cycle if it is a cancellation, final approval, or final decline.
If a rule-group-required cycle is completed or cancelled, the record-specific menu will contain an Initiate Ad Hoc Approval option for starting another approval process.
If an incident status is changed to Closed via data override, the cycle will be cancelled and notifications will not be sent. If an incident is reopened, approvals do not automatically restart.