Synchronizing Support Representative Group CI Relationships


If applicable, you can use the Customer Support Rep Group Relationship Synchronization agent to monitor existing support representative group CIs and update any changes in the associated support representative groups. For example, if a customer is added to a support representative group, it creates a CI record for that support representative and adds a relationship to the support representative group CI. You’ll need to specify a configuration item to use as a template and a relationship for the newly-created support representative CIs; however, note that the relationship selected for synchronization will not be available for assignment to any other configuration item or group. You may wish to add a relationship to the type of the CI used as a template for this purpose.

To run the agent immediately on a one-time basis, click the Run Now button in the Sync Relationships for Support Rep Groups section. To run the agent on an interval basis, select Yes in the Enabled field in the Sync Relationships for Support Rep Groups section and at the top of the Customer Support Rep Group Relationship Synchronization Agent section. Then set the agent interval and save.  Example