CMDB Integration Field Mappings


CMDB RDB Field Mappings Example

Name Column from Source Database

Select the name column in the SQL database that contains the data to be synchronized.

Attempt Type Mapping

  • Select On to specify the type column in the source database for mapping to the CMDB type column.

  • Select Off to assign a predefined CMDB type to all imported records. The Default Type field appears; select the type to assign.

Type Column from Source Database

Select the column in the source database to be used for mapping to the iSupport type.

Create New Type if Mapping Fails

Select On to, if the value in the specified type column in the source database does not match, create a new CMDB type.

Default Type if Mapping or Create Fails

Select the predefined iSupport CMDB type to assign if:

  • No type is found on a record.
  • The selected Type column contains any NULLs or empty strings for values for the mapped type.

Use the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons to access the Configuration Item Type screen.

Attempt Status Mapping

  • Select On to specify the status column in the source database for mapping to the iSupport status.

  • Select Off to assign a predefined CMDB status to all synchronized records. The Default Status field appears; select the status to assign. Use the Create New Create New icon and View/Edit Edit icon icons to access the Configuration Item Status screen.

Status Column from Source Database

Select the column in the source database to be used for mapping to the status in iSupport.

Create New Status if Mapping Fails

This field appears if On is selected in the Attempt Status Mapping field. Select Yes to, if no matching status is found on a record, create a new CMDB status and assign it to the record.

Default Status if Mapping or Create Fails

Select the predefined CMDB status to assign to a record if:

  • No status is found on a record.

  • The selected status column contains any NULLs or empty strings for values for the mapped status.

Attempt Owner Mapping

  • Select On to specify the names of the CI owner First Name, Last Name, and Email columns in the source database and search for a matching customer or support representative (depending on what is selected in the Owner Type field) in iSupport.

  • Off to assign a predefined iSupport customer or support representative (depending on what is selected in the Owner Type field) as the CMDB owner for all synchronized records.

Owner Type


  • Customer to specify the owner column in the source database for mapping to the iSupport CMDB owner.
  • Support Representative to specify the owner column in the source database for mapping to the iSupport owner.

Owner First Name Column from Source Database

If On was selected in the Attempt Owner Mapping field, select the owner first name column in the source database to be used in the search for a matching iSupport customer or support representative (depending on what is selected in the Owner Type field)

Owner Last Name Column from Source Database

If On was selected in the Attempt Owner Mapping field, select the owner last name column in the source database to be used in the search for a matching iSupport customer or support representative (depending on what is selected in the Owner Type field).

Owner Email Column from Source Database

If On was selected in the Attempt Owner Mapping field, select the owner email column in the source database to be used in the search for a matching iSupport customer or support representative (depending on what is selected in the Owner Type field).

Create New Customer Profile if Mapping Fails


  • On to create a new Customer Profile record if a value in the source database does not match.
  • Off to assign the customer in the Default Owner field as the owner of all synchronized CI records.

Default Owner

Select the iSupport customer or support representative to assign as the owner for imported records If no owner mapping was attempted, select the customer to assign as the owner for all imported records.

When you make an entry in the Connection String and SQL Query fields on the Basics tab and click the Test Query button or Refresh Columns link, the SQL Columns section will be populated with the names of the columns in the source database. The iSupport Fields section contains iSupport’s CMDB fields. Do the following:

Click Save to save your selections. The synchronization will occur when the Sync button is clicked and/or on the interval set in the Synchronization Interval field on the Basics tab.


Use the Synchronization tab to synchronize iSupport’s CMDB fields with fields in a Microsoft SQL Server source database; you’ll select the mapped fields to be evaluated when the synchronization occurs. If a matching field exists in the source database, the record will be updated in iSupport.