Scanning Bar Codes and Printing Bar Code Labels


You can scan a bar code into an Asset record and print bar code labels via a Zebra® printer. You can use any Zebra printer that will accept ZPL commands. If you wish to scan a bar code for an asset, place your cursor in the field in which the scanned bar code output string should be populated and perform the scan.

After saving, use the Print Label icon in the Asset screen to configure and print the bar code label. The ZebraPrint application must be installed for this feature. If using Google Chrome, installation of the ZebraPrint application is handled via the ClickOnce for Google Chrome extension, so a prompt will appear for installing the ClickOnce for Google Chrome extension. Other browsers will prompt for running the ZebraPrint application.

The Asset Labels dialog will appear after installing the ZebraPrint application; you’ll select the fields and footer to print on the label via this dialog.  Once settings in this dialog have been saved, the settings will populate the fields by default for all Asset records of the same type.

Click the dropdown dropdown icon icon to select the fields to print;the barcode symbol will be printed with the contents of the field selected for the first line, and the field contents will print below the symbol. The footer is auto-calculated as you type to center-align the text for a 2” wide label based on the Left Margin setting on the Advanced tab; however, the footer settings can also be manually adjusted. Use the Select Printer icon to select the Zebra printer that will print the labels.

Use the Advanced tab to enter the number of copies to print, the level of darkness of the bar code and text, and the number of dots per inch for the position of the bar code, lines, and footer. Default label settings for a 1x2 inch label; use the Reset to Defaults icon to restore the settings to the defaults for the selected Zebra printer.